Here apples are D.O.P. (Denominazione di origine protetta, protected area of denomination). They are and have been very serious business: wherever you look, if it is not a vineyeard, there is an orchard after another. And beautiful trees these are, contorted, suffering, powerfully beautiful:
But these shapes are not by chance:
As you see, these trees are just now beginning to spring back to life: so, should you not start wondering about where the apples you buy now in the supermarket come from
Apples (not yet well ripened) are harvested in september and october and then stored in a large refrigerator (4°C).
In this they are sold throughout all the year.
I lived in Trento for two years and I remember the beautiful cycle lane between the apple-tree fields and mountains.
/maybe it's better if I write in italian ;-)
grazie per le info Sdonk ;-)
and your English is just fine - plus, who are we to say, anyway!
Errata corrige
I gradi non sono 4 ma meno di 4 (circa 0-1).
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